Edible Gardens

Edible Gardens
Edible Gardens



Garden to Table Recipes

Garden to Table Recipes
Garden to Table Recipes

Hello Spring!

Today marks the first day of Spring and the beginning of my favourite season. Spring is about new beginnings, a fresh start and the opportunity for change so I decided that it would be an appropriate time to embark on a new adventure - growing our own edible gardens. I have a two year old little boy that has a genuine love for the outdoors, nature and adventure. By creating edible gardens in our own backyard we can learn together, as well as share each other's passion for spending time surrounded by nature. I am a complete beginner so it is my hope that by sharing our journey that we will also inspire others to give growing their own produce a go too.

I've always liked the idea of having my own edible garden and over the past couple of years I've attempted to grow a summer garden. When I say that I've grown a garden, I really mean that I've planted plants and then hoped for the best. I've never fed my garden. Until recently, I didn't even know what that meant. Nor did I have an understanding of companion planting, how to improve our clay soil, crop rotation, growing vegetables from seeds or what should be planted and when. I simply planted whatever plants were in the garden store, gave them some water (when I remembered) and then expected them to produce fresh vegetables for my little family. It wasn't a complete disaster though - we had copious amounts of cherry tomatoes and bright lights silverbeet. Not much else grew.

Even as a young toddler last summer, my little boy loved picking the colourful cherry tomatoes and eating them fresh from the garden. He also loves collecting the eggs from our free range chickens. As soon as he brings vegetables or eggs into the house he wants to eat them. A couple of weeks ago I sat him up on the bench with his egg that he'd collected and we made an omelette together. It made me realise that there's so much more to it than only growing vegetables or keeping chickens; it's learning the whole process from garden to table. There is a lot of learning in this - from learning how to grow vegetables or care for chickens to preparing a meal to share. Hopefully life skills that we will continue to develop together.

So where to next? We're currently in the process of establishing a couple of large raised vegetable gardens, are planting a small backyard orchard and are planning a berry garden. We're learning so much and can't wait to share our journey with you.

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are to beat - Laura Ingallas Wilder 

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