Edible Gardens

Edible Gardens
Edible Gardens



Garden to Table Recipes

Garden to Table Recipes
Garden to Table Recipes

How to get the most out of your New World Little Gardens

Today we planted our first New World Little Garden seeds. We love this promotion and how it encourages families to join in the fun of gardening with their kids. It's also a great opportunity to have a go at growing something you may not normally grow in your garden. This year there are also flowers such as: Nasturtium, Pansy, Sweet Pea, Sunflower and Purple Tansy. Not only do these flowers make good companion plants, but they also encourage more bees and butterflies into your gardens. There are also a mix of herbs and vegetables. Which one is your favourite? 

Here are our tips to get the most out of your Little Garden seedlings. 

1. Instead of using the soil tablet included in the kit use a quality seed raising mix e.g. Yates Black Magic seed raising mix. This particular seed raising mix includes 8-10 weeks controlled release fertiliser and a balanced supply of all the nutrients your seedling will need during this time. It also contains fungicide, which protects your seedling against common diseases such as pythium and pytophthora. 

2. Some of the Little Garden kits like basil and pansy have a few seeds on one seed mat. Cut the seed mat up and place a single seed into your biodegradable pot. There's not much space for more than one seedling in those little pots, which will mean replanting even sooner if you plant all of those seeds in one mini pot. 

3. Instead of watering your seedlings from the top, water from the bottom instead. You can do this by placing them in a tray with water. Only leave your seedlings in the tray of water until the soil is moist at the top. Leaving them to sit in water for long periods of time may result in your seed rotting. 

4. Create a mini greenhouse for your seedlings. There are lots of different ways that you can do this. We use a large, clear plastic storage container. Remember to leave the lid partly off to enable oxygen to still reach the plants. If you have to grow your seedlings inside and they're close to a window, remember to turn the tray around each day to prevent leggy seedlings. 

5. Only plant what you have space for in your garden. Gift the other ones to a friend, neighbour, family member or a local school. You can also donate your seeds directly in store by putting them in the box by the checkouts. 

Happy Gardening everyone!


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